Long-term accommodation in Nezvalova Archa Olomouc

Smarthotel Nezvalova Archa is perfectly adapted for medium or long-term stays. Daily comfort is ensured not only by the modern and practical background of the room, but also by the shared ground floor spaces offering services and benefits associated with the stay. The rooms are fully equipped, so it is possible to travel light, maybe just with one suitcase.

Hotel room for long-term accommodation

Hotel room equipment

  • equipped kitchenette – appliances (one-burner stove, microwave oven, refrigerator, kettle) and kitchenware (frying pans, pots, plates, cutlery, etc.)
  • comfortable bed with premium quality mattresses and bedding
  • plenty of storage space
  • bathroom with a shower cubicle and toilet
  • flat screen TV
  • air conditioning
  • high speed Wi-Fi connection


Services provided within long-term accommodation

  • weekly room cleaning – bathroom cleaning, replacing towels, hoovering the carpet, taking out the trash, changing the bedding once every three weeks
  • office services – copying, scanning
  • parking is available in the hotel parking for a monthly fee
  • use of co-working space for meetings or work purposes – the space is equipped with plenty of tables and seats, data projector, or flip chart
  • possibility to use the laundry room on the ground floor of the building with a washing and drying machine
  • possibility to use a fully equipped kitchen on the ground floor together with self-service refrigerators, which are full of foodstuffs and drinks to buy
  • discounted entry to a private sauna

Minimum length of stay: 30 days. Pets are not allowed. After signing the lease, we always collect a deposit of 1 month's rent. This deposit is refundable upon a smooth termination of the lease.

To book accommodation or visit of the hotel, call us at +420 736 532 211, or send us an e-mail at manager@nezvalovaarcha.cz.

Co-working space for long-term accommodation